You get the knowledge so that you can pass your CVOR Test. Save your time and stress with the CVOR Test Prep Bundle.

You will have access to more than 100 CVOR Test practice questions. You can practice the test as many times as you need.

Many people struggle when it comes to passing the CVOR exam, often taking it multiple times at significant cost. Don't let that be you! Our comprehensive CVOR education program will ensure you're fully prepared and confident when you go to write the test.

Rather than wasting money on repeated exam fees, invest in our proven training system. You'll gain the knowledge and skills needed to ace the CVOR Test the first time around.

Stop throwing away your hard-earned money. Enroll in our course today and let us guide you to passing the CVOR Test quickly and efficiently. You'll be on the road with your license before you know it!


I wrote the CVOR test and kept writing the test until the questions started to target similar topics. Only then did I stop, purposely failing the CVOR Test.

You get the Test Prep Course And much more.

The CVOR Test Prep (Video) Course goes through the five chapters in the MTO CVOR Safety Manual that the MTO tells you the CVOR Test is based on.

With the CVOR Test Prep Audio program, you can drive and listen to this program, saving you time and money.

Your CVOR Driver Files must meet or exceed the MTO requirements! You will easily make this happen with the Ontario CVOR Driver File course.

Add to the course the road testing documentation and the Annual Review documentation included; your CVOR Driver Files will be fantastic.

The included Hours of Service course will give you the confidence and knowledge to teach your drivers and ensure their compliance with the regulations.

All this in one bundle, for you, for a limited time.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg

Hi, I’m Chris Harris, Safety Dawg

I'm your CVOR Guy. Outside of the MTO, I'm one of the most knowledgeable CVOR people. I will help you successfully get your CVOR!

The CVOR Test Prep Bundle is the easiest way to unstress and quickly get your CVOR. Then once you get your CVOR company started, the bundle will help you with your compliance.

I will be with you all the way.

Click The Button For Immediate Access To This Limited Time Bundle

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

If you are unsatisfied with your bundle, reach out to me. I have a "No Questions" asked 30-day refund policy.

For how long do I get access to the Practice Test?

You can write the practice test as many times as you need until you feel ready to go and write the real CVOR test.